Wisteria House Dementia Care Homes in Plymouth
At Wisteria Dementia Care Homes in Plymouth, we specialise in providing quality of life for people living with dementia. Each person is treated as an individual who can make their own choices, for example what food they would like to eat or which activities they want to take part in. We believe in encouraging our residents to make decisions and we are here to provide them with support and comfort. We have no set visiting times, so family members and friends can come and go as much as they like. You can even join us for meals!
"My aim for the people living at Wisteria House is to firstly reduce stress and anxiety, by creating a world that is calming, friendly, affectionate and familiar. Promoting choice and control over one's life that adds meaning and purpose. Introducing activities, stimulation and independence to a level where individual's can experience living postively with dementia." - Louise Collins, Owner.

Wisteria House, Plymstock
Wisteria House, Plymstock is a home for 20 people living with dementia. We create a comfortable and friendly environment that residents can enjoy. We arrange lots of activities for our residents and try to encourage them to get involved when they want to.
Wisteria House, Stoke
Wisteria House, Stoke provides care to 22 residents living with dementia. We provide a familiar, comfortable environment that can be enjoyed by our residents and their family members. We have entertainers coming in on a regular basis and like to encourage our residents to make their own decisions where possible.
Wisteria House, Woolwell
Wisteria House, Woolwell is a care home for 33 residents living with dementia. We have various lounges for different stages of dementia, we even have a 'meaningful occupation lounge' where our residents can take part in different activities, such as hairdressing. We also have an amazing garden which our residents can spend their time in, we like to make the most of our garden when the sun is out!
WoolwellAbout us
At Wisteria House Dementia Care Homes in Plymouth we pride ourselves on being different from your average Residential Care Home. We don't wear uniforms, we don't have structured routines, we don't have strict visiting times. At Wisteria, we encourage our residents to make their own decisions, to be their own person, we are simply here to support them and their families through living with dementia.
We are a small group of three independent Residential Dementia Care Homes in Plymouth with a local owner. We are not governed by large corporations policies and procedures. The staff team can be incredibly flexible in the choices that we offer, from how you would like your bedroom furnished to keeping the food pantry open 24 hours a day for drinks and snacks.
We like to be flexible when it comes to visiting times and have an ‘Open House’ policy. We like to encourage visitors to be involved in supporting their loved ones. We also like to actively encourage people to experience the home before choosing to live here, you would be welcome to come for dinner just to see how you feel.
Activities & Meals
At Wisteria House Dementia Care Homes in Plymouth, we like to have lots of different activities to choose from, we have entertainers coming to the homes, we hire mini buses and go on day trips, we have a hairdresser who comes in each week, we like to provide lots of group activities, however we understand that not everyone enjoys group activities so we cater to every need.
Although the staff team feel that these add variety and have some value in relation to quality of life, we particularly value relationship care. This is ever present, from the time each person gets up in the morning, throughout the day and just before going to sleep.
Fees & Funding
Our fees are different for each of our Residential Dementia care homes in Plymouth and based on the individuals risk assessed needs.
Wisteria House Dementia Care Home Plymouth accepts funding paid by Plymouth City Council with an additional top up paid direct to the home. Using their category system for April 2023 - April 2024, Plymouth City Council would pay Wisteria House weekly direct the following amounts - 'Standard' - £669.45, 'Enhanced' - £711.76 and 'Complex' - £741.06, each category would normally be based on the number of care hours required to support an individual assessed by Plymouth City Council.